Hello, I’m Ben 👋!

As a designer of accessible and aesthetic products and experiences, I enjoy breaking down problems to find solutions that meet human-centric needs. In my spare time I like to explore using design through my passions, such as designing products for transit wayfinding, education, and
 conversational translation.

Currently pursuing a Masters of Information at the University of Toronto.
 Previously employed by KPMG Canada, Paystone, and York University.

The logo for KPMG.

Audited and enhanced the user experience of an internal platform for its users and builders.

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The logo for Paystone.

Mapping out a unified onboarding for payment terminals across all products.

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The logo for PickUp.

Building a professional experience for amateur athletes from scratch.

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The York U Icon from their logo.
York U

Refreshing the web presence of a department aiming to empower educators.

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Thanks for dropping by. If you liked what you saw and would like to work with me, I am open for freelance opportunities. You can reach me at: ginzbergben@gmail.com

Feel free to reach out to me if you ever want to chat about my work, design, or even the state of the NBA.